It's the School Holidays!

Running your own business with products that are hand-painted/ made-to order can be a challenge during the school holidays - Lizajdesign has been inundated with orders, I recently looked at my planner for the next three weeks and realised I potentially have one day off (which I had scheduled in)- SO... I have had to put the popular Name Canvases out of stock until Monday August 12th 2013, as these products are a little bit more time-consuming. As well, it is my youngest final Summer before she joins Nursery so as they grow up so quick, we must enjoy them while they are young!
School Art Club Masterclass...

During term time I was asked to attend the local after-school Art Club, so I prepared a little masterclass for the Year 1 and Year 2 children to participate in. The children had six characters to choose from and the designs were created over several weeks, the results were fantastic. The children loved creating their own Name Picture Canvases, it was so sweet, one boy told me "this is the best art I've ever done"!
All Lizajdesign's designs can be viewed here.
Available at:
Liza - July 2013
Founder and Designer