Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Ahoy matey... time for adventure!

It's been a busy busy couple of weeks in the Lizajdesign studio. 

The pencils and paint brushes have not stopped, it is a particularly challenging time of year with young children and the school holidays so, in order to fulfill existing orders and with the hope of some tropical sunshine (perhaps a trip to paradise for a few days), no new orders will be taken until 1st September 2013.

Psst... If you are reading this in disappointment as you were just about to place an order, please contact Liza Cole direct at: as the email will still be working and advice will be given on a delivery date for your particular requirements.

Powerboat Racing UK- Sprint Championship

Back in May this year "the giraffe got wet" was featured on Parklands Racing Powerboat, raced by Tom Yallop; well now the newly designed and vectorized Pirate has pride of place on his boat next to his number 71.

The pirate had his first outing in the water on the weekend of August 3rd/ August 4th, the Sprint Championship held at Stewartby Powerboat Racing Club - SWSC.

For more details on the event racing go to Powerboat website.

Lizajdesign's designs can be viewed here

Available at:
Liza Cole- August 2013
Founder and Designer 