Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lizajdesign #WOW Winner

It has been a busy 24 hours! This time last night I discovered Lizajdesign had been chosen by Jacqueline Gold, Chief Executive of Ann Summers and Knickerbox as one of the winners of the #WOW competition. #WOW stands for Women on Wednesdays and is run on Twitter where women tweet their business to @Jacqueline_Gold on that day between 1-3pm, she judges the entries and RT's her favourite three.

This is what was tweeted:
@Lizajdesign Liza Cole 
@Jacqueline_Gold #WOW exclusive original artwork for your nursery, celebrate the new Giraffe logo
Then came the results:
Jacqueline Gold
The calibre this week has been incredibly high with record entries but I have chosen my top 3:

This is what Jacqueline Gold said about Lizajdesign:
Jacqueline Gold
Well done to who creates artwork for nurseries. Great website & recognised in Vogue magazine

So I would like to say a personal thank you to Jacqueline Gold for recognising the Lizajdesign business; the comment of a "Great website" is very much gratified as it has only just been relaunched and took many many hours to come together. I would like to say another big thank you! to Tia at who redesigned the old logo and gave the giraffe a new look with a lovely new font depicting my painted leaves giving inspiration to the whole concept of the new website design.

New relaunched Lizajdesign Website


  1. Thank you for the kind mention. Your work and talent speaks for itself, I merely put it all together!

  2. Congrats you so deserve it! We're having a crazy week over here at West Egg (in a good way) hope you are too! Louisa X
