Tuesday, 20 January 2015

One Year Later!

The Blogger has been abandoned! It's been a year since the last post- how did that happen? 

Where has the time gone?

A quick run down in the year of 2014 will hopefully bring the Blogger back up to the present 2015 future, so here it is...

The early part of 2014 

consisted of building, reducing stock ready for the move into the new Lizajdesign studio, which officially opened in September 2014. At the same time my youngest child started full-time school and Lizajdesign became more than just a part-time/evening job, it now has dedicated premises and specific storage drawers where more stock and working progress can be kept for the day-to-day running of the business. The white floor was a must and I'm so pleased I went with my gut-feeling on how I wanted the finished studio to look (it took a lot of research and time to find a white real wooden floor but it was worth-it)! The whole colour scheme is white and orange with a grey back drop wall specifically for photography.

Since September 2014 time has allowed

more new designs to be developed and show-cased, 

for example the new Football Name Canvas and
the new type face on the Football Print Personalised to co-ordinate with the collection.

The Graffiti Name Canvas was featured in the Not On The High Street "Gifts for Teenagers" section on their website so it now has developed into a range of popular colour combinations.

2014 was the year of more Pony Commissions, 

to date I have yet to launch a couple of the ponies shown here. I have fallen in love with 'Colin';
'Pearl' and 'Jess are gorgeous and I enjoyed painting them as a set for a special gift to two sisters.

In November the Poppy was significant, 

as well as hand painted canvas seen here 'Poppy Picture Canvas' I was involved in a mural project with the local Primary school, which was a fantastic experience with the local school children all painting their individual poppies onto a backdrop I created inspired from the youngsters designs, I am yet to showcase the finished product, but will do in the near future.

Fine Art Prints have been fine tuned 

so they are even more personalised as seen here in the Rag Doll Print Personalised, which includes name, date, birth weight and time, this was also a new feature on the Cow Print Personalised.

The New Woodland Collection was finally launched in 2014 (it is a 2010 design but has never been available to all until now) - this is a design very personal to me as it was the range I made especially for my youngest's nursery at the time, shown here Woodland Picture Canvas.

So that's 2014 in a brief nutshell; 

2015 is already off to a good super busy start with two new designs in January (yet to launch) and many in the pipeline. The website is being upgraded (finally) with the products available directly from there - all designs along with those shown on this post can be viewed here http://www.lizajdesign.co.uk/designs/index
and all products are showcased on Not On The High Street here http://www.notonthehighstreet.com/lizajdesign and I'll try not to leave it too long until the next post!

Happy belated New Year!

Liza Cole,
Founder and Designer,
Lizajdesign - January 2015


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